Jumat, 09 November 2018


The Study of Language
This best-selling textbook provides an engaging and user-friendly introduction to the study of language. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, Yule presents information in short, bite-sized sections, introducing the major concepts in language study – from how children learn language to why men and women speak differently, through all the key elements of language. This fourth edition has been revised and updated with twenty new sections, covering new accounts of language origins, the key properties of language, text messaging, kinship terms and more than twenty new word etymologies. To increase student engagement with the text, Yule has also included more than fifty new tasks, including thirty involving data analysis, enabling students to apply what they have learned. The online study guide offers students further resources when working on the tasks, while encouraging lively and proactive learning. This is the most fundamental and easy-to-use introduction to the
study of language.

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In this book, there are so many material about Intoduction To Linguistics.

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Rabu, 31 Oktober 2018

   1.      LISTENING
The problem of students in mastering listening and the solution:
a)      Problem making prediction what the speaker talk about.
b)      Problem recognizing the main points in listening comprehension.
c)      Problem guessing unknown words or phrases.
It is always faced by most of the students. Therefore, students can overcome this problem by using strategy to use the clues which are the words or phrase coming after the unknown words. Nevertheless, students have to make sure that they do not spend much time on guessing the unfamiliar word or they will miss the speakers next point.
d)     Problem unfamiliar topics in listening material. Based on the research students always faces this problem. Thus, the solution for this problem is to ask the students to practice as much as they can on these various materials.
e)      Problem in kind of accents. This problem is always experienced by the students if they do not have knowledge about the kinds of accents. Most of the students just know two kinds of accents namely British and Ameican accents but they cannot differentiate them. To solve this problem, make the students aware of differents native speaker accents.
f)       Problem length and speed of the listening
The students can overcome it by using skill. One of skill is note taking and it seems to be the most useful way when students have to face a long task in listening. This will help students to remember the main points or the precise information. The question here is that how students can write down what they hear as quickly as they could so that they will not miss the other ideas. It is supposed that students should write down the main point.
g)      Problem in linking word
Commonly the students are difficult to get the  main idea or main points of the maerial because they are lack of linking words. Thus, they do not understand what the content of the material is about.

Literature Translation

Translate of Yoneko’s Earthquake
Yoneko Hosoume menjadi orang yang sangat kritis dimalam yang kesepuluh dibulan maret tepatnya pada tanggal 10 tahun 1993, Hanya berselang beberapa bulan setelah Ia mengetahui Tuhan untuk pertama kalinya. Waktu itu Ia berusia 10 tahun, tentunya Ia sudah mendengar cerita orang-orang tentang Tuhan sebelumnya, jauh sebelum Marpo datang. Sepupunya yang tinggal di kota yang mayoritas beragama Kristen, tinggal bersebelahan dengan gereja Baptist yang khusus diperuntukkan untuk orang jepang. Di kota tempat para-sepupunya tinggal ini, beberapa orang sepupunya telah dibaptiskan, dan mereka sangat bangga dengan keadaan mereka. Yoneko sangat terkesan dengan cerita sepupu-sepupunya ini, setelah itu Ia memanggil mereka dengan ucapan “sepupu-sepupuku, umat Kristen.” Yonekopun juga ingin dibaptis seperti umat Kristen lainnya, tapi Ia sadar bahwa itu tidak mungkin, karena tidak ada gereja baptis untuk orang jepang yang ada di desa di tempat Ia tinggal. Membangun gereja seperti itu tidak akan berguna disana, sebab orang jepang yang ada di sana hanya Yoneko, Ayahnya, Ibunya dan Adik laki-lakinya Seigo. Mereka juga satu-satunya yang memiliki hasil pertanian yang beragam seperti blackberry, kol, rhubarb, kentang, ketimun, bawang dan belewah. Keseluruhan daerahnya tampak seperti hamparan kebun jeruk yang luas.
Pernah sekali Yoneko memasuki gereja sepupunya, tetapi Ia tidak bisa lagi kesana tanpa rasa malu. Kejadiannya, saat sepupu-sepupu Yoneko mengajak Yoneko dan adiknya untuk ikut dengan mereka ke-Sekolah hari Minggu. Gerejanya sempit, terbuat dari kayu dan tampak misterius dengan warna catnya yang abu-abu kebiruan serta menaranya yang tinggi, tetapi ruang belajar berada di lantai bawah gereja dan tampak biasa-biasa saja, dengan meja-meja, papan tulis, dan penghapus. Mereka semuanya menyanyikan lagu “Let Us Gather at the River” dalam bahasa jepang. Berikut ini lagunya:
Mamonaku Kanata no
Nagare no soba de
Tanoshiku ai-masho
Mata tomodachi to

Mamonaku ai-masho
Kirei-na, kirei-na kawa de
Tanoshiku ai-masho
Mata tomodachi to.